A lesson from Childhoood.
In the valley of Kashmir lived a shephard Abu Khan. He had herds of goats and sheep . He loved all his herd but his favourate was Chandni..
She was a gentle goat all white . Abu khan treated her like a child and she was most treasured. Abu khan would keep her with himself and not allow to run wild.
One day Abu khan went away and Chandani ventured out on her own. She loved the valley and the greens away from the fenced and sheltered life that she had so far led.
She began to look for opportunities when Abu Khan would be away and began to go roaming on her own. Unknown to her a wolf had began to follow fer proceedings . He saw that she would nove alone on certain days and started following her. Abu Khan in the meantime had noticed that Chandni was not content to be looked after and wanted the freedom to be able to do things on her own. He tried to expalin to her that he was peopecting her from the outside world and that things out there were not so beautiful and that there were predators ...
Chandani was still insistent that she be let free. Abu khan realised sorrowfully that his treasured Chandani had grown up and was no longer content with his company .. he let her out. The wolf had been waiting for her and followed her . As soon as she moved away he attacked her.
Chandni fought bravely but the wolf overcame her ... Abu Khan in the meantine saw his beloved Chandani attacked and rushed to save her ...
As he reached her the wolf ran away ..Chandani lay dying in his arms . He asked her was your freedom more valuable than my love .
Chandani lay dying in his arms and said - one walk without fear or boundaries is worth this death ... Your love protected me but it also enslaved me ..
I dont know if I have been able to get the message accross but this lesson has stayed with me all through.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh:
Them that I love, I wish to be free -- even from me.
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