Saturday, August 8, 2009

Thoughtful Mode

"It is when you start to answer yourself that you really begin to Worry"

From my house I see Mt Meru Daily ..Majestic the second highest peak in Africa.. somedays absolutely clear and visable and days like this shrouded in clouds ..she does not want to be seen..There is a lot to be learnt from nature.She dwarfs us .I remember when I stayed at Nobby's Hill in South Island I was at peace . David was surprised when I told him that this was probably the best place I stayed at . It was well rustic and the silence was defeaning .. .I remember to look within myself for strength.I remember being told that not everyone can take the quiet. Nature teaches you what all the urbanity in the world wont. Survival the most important of lessons ,respect for a worthy adversary,knowledge that time is fleeting and that this too shall pass sometimes you need strong nerves just to watch and stay put.

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