Monday, November 23, 2009

Dar I see it

Dizzying heat, strange smells..It's steaming hot and the air smells of spices and petrol and slightly rotten water.

Road rules appear few, and the utility companies don't follow right-of-way either; telegraph poles bow under the weight of hundreds of power lines that weave and tangle like the web of a giant, drug- addled spider.

Power Outage ? we wont even go there .. and yes the mosquitoes and Flies ...Traffic is a chaos always ... music is always on the louder side ....and so are the speaking volumes . decibels is a polite term that I use ...

On the positive side ? the people are always smiling ..this despite the poverty the beat of the drums all whip up a frenzy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best thing is that you are there to make things much better.
Hailing you...