Sunday, October 9, 2011


The change you want in your life is not unreachable. It begins with a decision that who you were will not be who you are. That you refuse to live another day dealing with the same crap that has dragged you down. It begins with the hope that as long as you keep trying things will begin to transform into something better." I am living by this belief. I am carrying this faith in me. I am changing my thoughts and by doing so I have begun to change my life. I never believed I could do it before but my determination is proving to me that I can. That I have it within me to live better. To be whole and happy and take control of the light in me. To be the shining warrior I am born to be. To be free.
I refuse to let this  chapter be filled with the same sorrow and longings as  before. I refuse to allow myself to keep sinking into the same dark waters I know too well. I refuse to disrespect and not love myself. I refuse to let another day end with the same aches. I refuse to sabotage and belittle myself. I refuse to give in. I refuse to back down. I refuse to live the life I have always lived. Change happens by your thoughts, actions, and faith.
Change your thoughts, change your life.
Change your ways, change your life.
Change your attitude, change your life.
Lasting and deeply rooted change is here if you are willing and ready to embrace it. To struggle and fight for it. To have faith that this transformation will happen and it will stay. I just want you to feel the faith I have and know that even if you don’t believe in yourself I believe in you. I am believing for you but one day you are going to have to find the determination to believe in and for yourself.
To believe in your worth. To believe in your beautiful light. To believe in your meaning and purpose because you have one. I know you do. I want you all out there to understand that I am speaking from my own life. That these words I write are my truth and I share them with you because I know what it is like to feel utterly nothing. To feel like the bottom of the deepest barrel. To shake and quiver. To ache in places no one sees. I have been there. I have suffered there. I have been lost there.
Not anymore. I refuse to keep living a half life. I refuse to let my life go to waste because I am punishing myself for things I shouldn’t be. Just because you are a mess doesn’t make you unlovable. Just because you struggle doesn’t make you weak. Just because you feel alone doesn’t mean you are. YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS. YOU ARE NEVER ALONE IN THIS.
 Keep your spirits high love. You will get there. You will figure this out, and please know you don’t ever have to do it all on your own.
With so much love,

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